

王红艳  张艳霞[摘要]意图研讨冠心病不穩定型心疼痛患者血清中CRP、TNF-α和血脂的表达水平,评论CRP、TNF-α、血脂三者与冠心病不安稳型心疼痛之间的联系。办法搜集2015年8月~2016年9月本院收治的46例不安稳型心疼痛患者和40例安稳型心疼痛患者的临床材料进行剖析;并别离测定两组患者和健康对照人群血清中CRP、TNF-α

王红艳  张艳霞

[摘要] 意图 研讨冠心病不穩定型心疼痛患者血清中CRP、TNF-α和血脂的表达水平,评论CRP、TNF-α、血脂三者与冠心病不安稳型心疼痛之间的联系。 办法 搜集2015年8月~2016年9月本院收治的46例不安稳型心疼痛患者和40例安稳型心疼痛患者的临床材料进行剖析;并别离测定两组患者和健康对照人群血清中CRP、TNF-α和血脂的表达水平。 成果 ELISA实验成果标明,比较对照组人群,不安稳型心疼痛患者血清中CRP和TNF-α表达水平显着添加,LDL-C和TG含量也有所添加,与对照组比较,差异均有统计学含义(P<0.05);安稳型心疼痛患者血清中CRP、LDL-C和TG含量有所添加,且差异具有统计学含义(P<0.05),而TNF-α、HDL-C和TC水平与健康对照人群比较,差异无统计学含义(P>0.05)。 定论 CRP、TNF-α和血脂可能与冠心病不安稳型心疼痛的发作开展密切相关,检测冠心病不安稳型心疼痛患者血清中CRP、TNF-α和血脂含量,对了解患者体内免疫状况、临床确诊和预后有重要含义。

[关键词] 不安稳型心疼痛;CRP;TNF-α;血脂

[中图分类号] R541.4 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2017)27-0082-03

Expression of CRP, TNF-α and blood lipid in the patients with coronary heart disease complicated with unstable angina

WANG Hongyan ZHANG Yanxia

Department of No.1 Cardiology, Jiyuan Peoples Hospital in Henan Province, Jiyuan 459000, China

[Abstract] Objective To study the expression levels of serum CRP, TNF-α and blood lipids in the patients with coronary heart disease complicated with unstable angina, and to investigate the relationship between the three factors of CRP, TNF-α and blood lipid and coronary heart disease complicated with unstable angina. Methods The clinical data of 46 patients with unstable angina and 40 patients with stable angina who were admitted to our hospital from August 2015 to September 2016 were collected, and an overall analysis was made; the expression levels of serum CRP, TNF-α and blood lipids were measured in the patients with two types of diseases and healthy controls. Results The results of ELISA showed that the expression levels of serum CRP and TNF-α in the patients with unstable angina pectoris were significantly increased compared with the control group, and the LDL-C and TG levels were also increased. Compared with the control group, there were significant differences(P<0.05); the levels of serum CRP, LDL-C and TG in the patients with stable angina were increased, and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). However, TNF-α, HDL-C and TC levels did not change significantly compared with those in the healthy controls, and the difference was not statistically significant(P>0.05). Conclusion CRP, TNF-α and blood lipids may be closely related to the occurrence and development of coronary heart disease complicated with unstable angina. Detection of serum CRP, TNF-α and blood lipids levels in the patients with coronary heart disease complicated with unstable angina is of great significance to understand the immune status, clinical diagnosis and prognosis of the patients.endprint

[Key words] Unstable angina; CRP; TNF-α; Blood lipids

冠心病不安稳型心疼痛(unstable angina,UA)是介于安稳型心疼痛与急性心肌梗死及心脏猝死之间的一种临床状况,其发病原因与年纪添加、高血脂、糖尿病和肾功能妨碍等相关疾病、动脉粥样硬化和血管壁斑块决裂等密切相关[1]。研讨标明,机体炎症反响和相关细胞因子是引起粥样血栓的首要因素,而单核巨噬细胞又在此进程中起关键效果,由其发作并排泄的肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)及其诱导肝脏发作的急性反响蛋白C-反响蛋白(CRP)是炎症和免疫反响的重要介质。这些炎症因子和血脂在冠状动脉斑块的发作开展及不安稳性斑块决裂而激起的血栓构成进程中可能起重要效果[2]。本文首要检测了安稳型心疼痛患者和不安稳型心疼痛患者血清中CRP、TNF-α和血脂(LDL-C、HDL-C、TC和TG)的水平,与正常人群进行比较,以评论这三者在不安稳型心疼痛患者血清中的改动以及在不安稳型心疼痛发病机制中的效果,以为临床上开发UA新的医治办法供给实验依据,并为UA的临床确诊和病况判别供给指导含义。

1 材料与办法

1.1 一般材料


1.2 确诊与归入规范

契合1979年WHO提出的《缺血性心脏病的命名及确诊规范》,并结合冠状动脉CT或冠状动脉造影(coronary arteriography,CAG)(冠状动脉首要血管直径狭隘程度≥50%),或既往有心肌梗死病史为冠心病确诊规范。契合2001年中华医学会心血管病学分会和中华心血管病杂志修改委员会拟定的《不安稳型心疼痛确诊和医治主张》中不安稳型心疼痛确诊规范[3]。该研讨方案由本院道德委员会赞同,并取得一切受试者知情赞同。

1.3 办法

1.3.1 标本收集 一切实验目标均未运用降脂、抗凝、抗菌药物,于清晨空腹抽取外周静脉血6 mL,样品于4℃冰箱静置1 h后,3000 rpm离心10 min,取上清液转移至新的离心管中,即为对应的新鲜血清,贮存于-80℃备用。

1.3.2 首要仪器与试剂 酶联免疫检测仪为Thermo Multiskan Ascent,全自动生化剖析仪为深圳迈瑞BS-200,CRP试剂盒和TNF-α试剂盒均购自上海吉泰依科赛生物科技有限公司。

1.3.3 ELISA法测定血清中CRP和TNF-α的含量 取出待测样品于试剂盒,平衡至室温。取出试剂盒中的规范品,依据说明书要求参加对应体积的试剂稀释液或双蒸水;静置10~20 min,轻柔摇晃规范品,使其充沛溶解。严厉依照CRP和TNF-α试剂盒说明书进行操作,选用酶联免疫吸附实验测定血清中CRP和TNF-α的含量。

1.3.4 血脂含量的测定 取血液样品,全自动生化剖析仪测定血脂水平,包含总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)。一切实验均设三个复孔。

1.4 统计学剖析

选用SPSS 12.0统计学软件进行统计剖析。计量材料选用(x±s)标明,两组组间比较选用t查验;多组间比较选用方差剖析;计数材料用百分率标明,选用χ2查验,P<0.05标明差异有统计学含义。

2 成果


3 评论





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(收稿日期 :2017-07-07)endprint

王红艳  张艳霞[摘要]意图研讨冠心病不穩定型心疼痛患者血清中CRP、TNF-α和血脂的表达水平,评论CRP、TNF-α、血脂三者与冠心病不安稳型心疼痛之间的联系。办法搜集2015年8月~2016年9月本院收治的46例不安稳型心疼痛患者和40例安稳型心疼痛患者的临床材料进行剖析;并别离测定两组患者和健康对照人群血清中CRP、TNF-α